Is this your super power?

Your dent is your gift. Embrace it and carry on gladly. Bobbie Herron.

Something that's been coming up for me recently is the idea that the things we're hiding or think that no one is interested in hearing about might actually be the stuff that helps us connect better with others.

A friend suggested to me recently that maybe I could share more about my experience of living with M.E. I assume sometimes that I should keep a little bit quiet about having a chronic illness because it doesn't feel like a positive thing to talk about, when in fact it's something I find really helpful coming from other people!

I also listened to a podcast from Claire Coupland, where she and Sara Tasker were discussing something similar - how the things we feel we should keep hidden are often the most interesting to share and the best way to connect with others.

And a few weeks ago I was reading the second book by my friend Bobbie, who also had a similar message - that thing we might see as our weakness, the thing we wish wasn't there, or wasn't happening, or that we struggle with the most, might in fact be something we should acknowledge, 'own' and accept as a part of us.

What's something you see in yourself or your life as a weakness that could in fact be seen as anything but weak?