4 reasons I share my creative process on Patreon

Building on a sketchbook habit

I've been drawing and creating for most of my life but I really dug into my sketchbook habit about 10 years ago.

Since then, I've made a lot of art, and I'm constantly learning and experimenting. I now create illustrations alongside some original paintings, which you can see in my online shop. I also do commissioned illustrations for clients. 

1. More than social media

I often share what I’m working on or what I’ve created over on Instagram, Facebook, here on the blog and in emails to my subscribers.

Patreon felt like a nice complement to social media and blogging. Somewhere I could share things in more depth and share more of ‘me’ in a less noisy and overcrowded space.

Over on Patreon, I share some peeks behind the scenes, a look at my process, my favourite art materials and monthly sketchbook prompts. I also create:

  • videos showing things like how I approached each prompt,

  • occasional downloads

  • and short tutorials showing how I use different art tools.

  • Oh, and not forgetting, a 20% shop discount and free art in the post!

2. Finding a balance

As you may know, I live with a chronic illness, so this weaves into everything I do. It often means that I'm unable to create as much as I would like because my health doesn’t really allow for that, but I try to keep a gentle schedule that I can stick to.

My Patreon subscribers are a community that supports my creative process and they can relate to having low energy or limited time (or maybe want to support my work and learn more about how I make it).

I hope I encourage them to grab a sketchbook and make their own creative work - or to maybe slow down and rest whenever necessary.

3. Keeping art-making sustainable

Creating for Patreon gives me some freedom to not only make new artwork but to do it at a pace that is sustainable for my limited energy levels.

I'll be creating the same amount of work whether I have 1 Patron or 1000 Patrons so if you compare that to the energy required to ship orders from my shop to 1000 customers, you can see how Patreon might work well for an artist with a chronic illness.

4. A quiet creative community

But perhaps most importantly, Patreon is a place that feels quieter and calmer than social media, where I can share more of my art and life than I might feel comfortable doing elsewhere.

It's a small but growing community of like-minded creative people who see the importance of balancing creative work with self-care. So if that sounds like something you’d enjoy, I'd love for you to come and join us. I think you'll find the gentle, creative inspiration you've been looking for.