Patreon - pay what you can afford

Life is exhausting

I don't know about you, but I've been feeling pretty exhausted lately. It's been a tough few years, and there's still a LOT going on for most people. I'm making a conscious effort to spend time resting in bed and drawing and painting in my sketchbook just for the sake of the process - although lately, I've had to coax myself a bit more than usual to do that.

Value is not just about money

Sometimes I can only motivate myself to do the things that seem worth it financially - like packing shop orders, listing new cards and prints for sale or adding a new post to Patreon.

I have to keep reminding myself that doing things that don't appear on the surface to be 'productive' are equally, if not more, valuable. The things that feed your soul or help your mind freewheel for a while. For me, one of those things is drawing. Not for anyone else, just for me. Not to share, not to monetise and not for the end result. Drawing for the sake of drawing. 

A gentle creative nudge

And on that note, I'd like to invite you to join me on Patreon, where, for less than the price of a coffee you'll get some gentle encouragement to open up your sketchbook and draw for the sake of drawing, plus lots of other goodies. 

There are 4 tiers to choose from, and you'll get the same content on 3 of those tiers no matter which price you choose to pay.

Pay what you can afford

Tiers 1-3 on my Patreon are now 'pay what you can afford'. So if you're feeling the pinch for whatever reason, you can pay £3 and receive the same content as everyone else paying £5 or £9. That includes monthly sketchbook prompts, demo videos, sketchbook tours and free downloadable wallpapers for your phone, desktop and iPad. You'll also get a monthly vlog where I share my process and what I've been working on.

What you'll get

Tier 4 will remain slightly separate as an 'extra' or 'plus' tier, so if you pay the highest amount, you'll also get free patron-only art delivered to your door once a month and an ongoing shop discount, along with a few other bits and bobs.

How payments work

Your subscription will now renew on the same date that you joined. Previously the only option was to pay when you signed up and then on the 1st of the month after that, which was confusing if you joined right at the end of the month. But now it doesn't matter when you join, you'll only pay once each month on the same date. And, of course, you can cancel (or change tiers) whenever you like.

To learn more and to sign up, head to my Patreon page.