Support my art on Patreon


After many months of thought, consideration, planning and a lot of doubt, today I am launching my Patreon.

For anyone who doesn't know what Patreon is, it's a platform where creators can share their work with a likeminded community of people and those people have a way of paying those creators for the work that they make.

In return you get access to special content that you might not find anywhere else.

Why Patreon?

My main sources of income at the moment are my Etsy shop and private commissions. My income varies just because of the fact that I work for myself but it is also limited because of my unpredictable health and limited energy, which makes it difficult for me to take on too much work that has to fit with other people’s deadlines.

I love making personal artwork, crocheting, taking photographs and now knitting. Along with the monthly newsletter, I keep doing all of those things even though I don't get paid for most of them, because I enjoy the process, the connection with others and I enjoy learning and developing my skills - and they’re all things I can do at a pace to suit my changeable health needs.

Since they are the projects that bring me the most pleasure and the things I can do with the most ease, I really want to make them the focus of my time and limited energy. If I'm able to do that, I'll become a better artist and will be able to share more and better work with you here and in my shop.

How you can help

To be able to work towards that I really need your help. There are a couple of things you can do:

  1. Sign up to become a Patron at either £3, £5, £9 or £20 a month - or scroll to the bottom of that page and add an amount of your choice instead

  2. Help spread the word about my Patreon, either on social media or by emailing 2 friends who you think might be interested, and share the link

So, in other words, I’m asking to be paid for the work I’m already making so that I can keep making more - and better - artwork and connect more closely with the people who can support me in that way.

I also want to add that I completely understand that you might not be able to support me financially, and if that’s the case, I would love it if you helped spread the word about my Patreon. That will still make a big difference.

This is a scary step for me to take, and I have no idea if this project will be a success but there’s only one way to find out!