35 Days into the 100 Day Project

For this year’s 100 Day Project I was cautious of over committing myself, which I’ve done before. To make sure that I wouldn’t be able to let each day’s work take over my whole day, I have set myself a boundary of working for only 20 minutes on this project each day. I set a timer and make sure I stop no later than when the timer rings.

My aim within that 20 minutes is to make marks on the page - hopefully making a drawing but just seeing what happens. Most, but not all, so far, have been observational drawings and most, but not all, so far, have been in black and white.

I’m up to day 35 and I’ve been working in a small sketchbook that I hand bound last year. This sketchbook won’t last the full 100 days so I’m curious to see what happens when I move on to a different type or size of paper.

You can see my drawing of the day in my Instagram stories and every 10 days I’m posting them on my Instagram timeline using the hashtag #100daysof20minutesbycathryn