A Slow Summer and New Fabric Designs

August has been a necessarily slow month. After finishing my 100 Day Project and another big piece of work I decided to take a short break from drawing and painting, to catch my metaphorical breath.But that short break turned into a longer one because my energy levels crashed and, as anyone with M.E will know, all you can do when that happens is rest, take care of yourself and trust that things will improve again.Thankfully, I'm starting to feel better and in between resting and napping, I've done a tiny bit of work, mostly for fun.I took a few of my botanical drawings and created a couple of new repeat patterns - one of wild flowers and one of kiwi fruit slices.Then I decided to do something that I've been intending to do for a very long time. I uploaded these designs, along with 2 of my older repeat patterns to Spoonflower, and ordered some fabric swatches. Now that I've done that I'm able to make these 4 designs available to purchase as either fabric or wallpaper in my new Spoonflower shop!The shop is a bit of a work in progress but for every sale of my designs I will earn a small commission. I'm hoping to add more designs to the shop over time so if there's one that you'd like to be able to buy, please let me know and I'll see what I can do.