Preparing for The 100 Day Project 2017

Open sketchbook showing a hand drawn pattern of triangles across the page drawn in black ink with some triangles coloured with red, yellow, grey, blue, grey or purple paint.

The 100 Day Project starts again this year on 4th April. If you've never heard of The 100 Day Project, it's a free art project open to anyone, where you choose a creative action to repeat every day for 100 days.

I took part for the first time last year and created 100 patterns in my tiny sketchbooks. I really enjoyed it and creating technical repeat patterns from my artwork has become almost second nature to me now.

I've not decided yet what I'm going to choose for this year's 100 Day Project. I have a few thoughts but nothing nailed down just yet. Have you taken part in The 100 Day Project? Will you be joining in this year?